Media & Press

Select Media & Press Coverage


MSNBC. Young voters are worse at identifying misinformation, study shows.


Forbes. Gen Z and Millennials more likely to fall for fake news than older people, test finds.

Forbes. The ‘iPhone effect’: Are iPhone users more attractive than Androiders?

Scientific American. How susceptible are you to misinformation? There’s a test you can take.

El País. La campaña electoral muta y los bulos se trasladan a las redes. (Spanish)

Nieman Lab: How a new two-minute quiz measures misinformation susceptibility

Deutschlandfunk Nova. Junge Menschen fallen eher auf Fake News rein. (German)

Radio Eins. Wer ist am anfälligsten für Fake News? (German, Radio)

Portland Monthly. Scientists discover the Portland personality.

The University of British Columbia Magazine. Is AI coming for white collar jobs?

2019 – 2022

Discover Magazine. How regional personality differences divide America.

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. Was ein Harry-Potter-Test über Start-up-Gründer verrät.  (German)

Forbes. Analyzing data from 55 nations, psychologists find these 4 personality traits to predict Covid-19 compliance.

Neue Zürcher Zeitung. Typisch Romands. (German)

Psychology Today. How personality and policy affect pandemic behavior.

Radiotelevisione Italiana. Warum ticken Bergbewohner anders? (German, Radio)

Scientific American. Mountain peaks seem to shape personality traits in the American West

The Atlantic. The three personalities of America.

The Conversation. How we communicate, what we value – even who we are: 8 surprising things data science has revealed about us over the past decade.

TIME Magazine. How a Harry Potter quiz gave back to science.

ZEIT Wissen. Heimweh. (German)