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Meet PANGEA’s new graduate student: Yilin

Meet PANGEA’s new graduate student: Yilin

Meet Yilin, the newest addition to the PANGEA lab’s wonderful grad students. Yilin’s research interest lies in cultural psychology, and she will be spending her time at UBC pursuing that interest under the co-supervision of Dr. Friedrich Götz (PANGEA lab) and Dr. Steve Heine (Cultural and Self lab). Read on to learn more about Yilin […]

“Hot Paper” Spotlight: Senators and Greed Communication

What talking-points predict the reach and approval of US senators? Well, according to a recent study*, it might be greed. In a paper led by Dr. Eric Mercadante (a UBC Psychology Grad Student at the time of the study, but now a post-doc at NYU Stern School of Business), researchers looked at every tweet of every sitting […]

“Hot Paper” Spotlight: AI-generated questionnaires

AIs sure can do a lot – summarize a text, remove a picture’s background, create a travel itinerary, so on and so forth, but can they generate psychological tests? Yes – at least according to a recent paper co-lead authored by Dr. Friedrich Götz and Dr. Rakoen Martens. In this paper*, researchers first developed the […]

“Hot Paper” Spotlight: The Misinformation Susceptibility Test (MIST)

This paper introduces the first-ever psychometrically rigorous Misinformation Susceptibility Test, with Dr. Rakoen Maertens (then University of Cambridge, now University of Oxford) and PANGEA’s Dr. Friedrich Götz as it’s co-lead authors (full citation with link below). As the first of its kind, the publication made waves in both the academic community and beyond. Moreover, the […]